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Typescript Library Package Template

A plug and play template project to help you quickly implement and distribute a library, written in typescript.


  • Typescript with file emitting to dist
  • Strict code linting and formatting setup with eslint and prettier
  • Plug and play tests with jest
  • Compatible git, editor, prettier and eslint configs so that you don't run into linebreak related issues with contributors using other operating systems (unix/windows)
  • Automated documentation generation based on code annotations with automated deployment through CI/CD workflows, check it here
  • Listing of TODO's and FIXME's in code
  • Validation CI/CD workflow
  • Automated versioning with conventional commits and automated release through CI/CD workflows
  • Github action to cleanup workflows and caches
  • Local branch name validation & local + CI commit validation
  • Pre configured package, make sure you rename it :)

Using this template


Command Description Extra options
npm start compiles into dist in watch mode
npm run build compiles into dist
npm run format checks for formatting issues add -- --write to fix formatting automatically
npm run lint checks for code issues add -- --fix to fix issues automatically
npm run test runs unit tests add -- --watch to run in watch mode
npm run docs build the generated docs
npm run todo list all TODO's and FIXME's
npm run clean clean temporary and dependency folders